At work at home - an article about my business Remote Employment and how it helps people get flexible jobs working from home
James McCarthy from Microsoft and Paula Wynne from Remote Employment celebrate with Shirley Pickford after she won the Remote Worker Awards.
Paula and Ken enjoying a live chat session with The Times on remote working.

Ken and Paula Sheridan, Co-Founders Remote Employment and iHubbub, talk to HP about Remote and Mobile Working. Listen to Ken and Paula sharing their tips and tricks to work from home effectively.

The Times Masterclass had lots of fun and laughter with these serial home working junkies.

I have been featured on Sky News, Radio 2 and numerous BBC radio stations. I was also featured in The Independent on Sunday, Financial Times, The Guardian, Red Magazine, Berkshire Life, Country Life, Start Your Own Business, People Today, People Management, OnRec, Management Today, Country Living, Pay Monthly and Financial Mail, along with numerous regional and local publications across the country.

I have also been on the morning TV breakfast shows a couple of times to discuss various topics.

I am often asked to comment on BBC Radio and I give talks at seminars across the UK. My husband and I were also featured on both BBC and ITV for the Mumford and Sons ticket scam in Portsmouth. Although it was a huge let down not to see Mumford at Portsmouth due to the the ticket scam, it all turned out FAB because my hubby proposed to me when we finally got to see Mumford at the O2 in London!

My hubby and I were also featured on the BBC Show, Escape to the Continent which showed our quest to live in Spain (so I can write full time!).